
Jigjaw Puzzle

May 13, 2005 | Post Comment   

I love jigsaw puzzles, not those 100 pieces but 1000 or 5000 pieces. The satisfaction of getting the right piece to fit, increases my adrenaline. It takes me 3 days to complete a 1000 pieces. Once I start, I cannot stop. Trick is to do the corner pieces and work your way in. Collect the same color tone pieces and match those first.

Once you have completed it, apply the glossy glue on top of the puzzle and not below, you will be wasting glue if you apply it at the bottom. The glossy glue will give a shine on the surface. Do not frame it will glass as glass will reflect and when you look at it, it is not so nice.

During my Uni days, I did like 20-30 puzzles cheap ones, gave it all away. Now I do not have time for it after having 2 kids. Hey I did one during my confinement. Maybe when they grow up, I may restart and fill my house with jigsaw puzzles. By the way, I love solving puzzles too.

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