Another blog marketing company has emerged in Malaysian market called Similar to many sponsored post programs which you can get paid by reviewing a product or service in your blog. It is good to have competition, it benefit all bloggers like us.
I was introduced to this program by Jess. I signed up immediately because as Malaysian bloggers, we need to support our local companies. It is good to have these companies who are able to help us to find advertisers who want to advertise in our local blogs but do not know how to reach us. As you know most of the US blog marketing company charges an exorbitant rate and local advertisers looses out.
I would love to see Advertlets make it big and going global, taking on more global advertisements so that we bloggers can earn more. I hope Advertlets can be our ambassador between the advertisers and bloggers, letting us know what they want to see in ours blogs and helping us to gain popularity with valid traffic, not spams.
As Malaysian bloggers, go and join me to support this company. Others are welcome too! Take a poll at my side bar if you just want to drop your feedback. RM50 for the first 300 bloggers to sign up and review Advertlets. Don’t miss the boat.
This is a sponsored post.
I don’t mean to down grade MAS but I think the online booking system needs a revamp to make it more user friendly for their customers. I guess this is one part where they are losing out to their competition the BIG AA.
I went to their website, hoping to see some good deals on flights to KL during CNY. However I came back confused. Look at the pictures.
They offer 2 choices Availability or Low Fares. Of coz, one will choose low fares but only for adult. Anyway, I selected 4 adults. The cost came up to RM1K.
To do a comparison, I chose Availability, selecting the same route, same dates and the same time for 2 adult and 2 children. The cost came up to RM1.6K. Now figure it out, 4 adults are cheaper than 2 adult and 2 children. :sc:
Tell me how am I to book the flights? Choose 2 low fares and 2 availability fare for children? Or choose 4 low adult fares, can children be treated as adult? I think I will drive down. :snooty:
Availability Vs Low Fares:
Low Fares:
Availability Fares:
BreakDown Fares:
Something innovative, I want to introduce to you. Look what a zip lock bag can do. This is a special kind, don’t use the grocery type, hehehe…it won’t work. It is a special roll up compression bag.
You know how bulky and heavy 1 piece of winter clothing is. If you dump it in your luggage, it probably takes half of the space. Here is what you can do to create more space in your luggage so that you can put more shopping stuff in. 😆
You can use this special bag to help you store your big bulky comforter, soft toys and blankets in a compress manner. It creates more space in your cupboard for other stuff. It cost RM19.90 for 2 bags. Mainly used for traveling.
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The compression bag. |
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Fold the bulky item nicely. |
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Insert into the bag. |
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Use the white piece of plastic to seal the bag tight by moving left to right and back again. |
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Start rolling from the seal to the other end, the other end will let out some air to make it a vacuum inside. Flip it over and do the same. |
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Tada, a piece of flatten item. |
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RM19.90 |
What do you get when you combine all this into one?
Isn’t technology amazing? I cannot imagine me carrying all the above out. The reason why I bought the phone is because the price slashed almost 50% and it has an mp3 player. By the way, if you have a java enable phone, install opera mini for browser. It is very cool, better than the IE on the phone. You can check gmail, blog (if you like punching alphabet on the phone which I hate), chat…etc.
I always wonder how people can use the phone to SMS chat, they really good at it too. Very fast. I had so much trouble, just sending “OK” to my friends. Send him a few “6” instead of “OK”. Tell you how much I SMS. Now, I can connect this phone to my notebook and use the keyboard to SMS. Pretty cool. Oh well, so much for my new toy.
Two month ago, TNB sent me a PINK letter saying they are going to cut my electricity if I do not pay the balance amount (“Tunggakan”). Usually my hubby settled all the bills using the Internet. We have statements to show we pay on time and the right amount. I was frustrated then because I thought my hubby delayed in paying. Anyhow, I asked him to go to the TNB branch and settled the matter. TNB told him many customers have these issue and they are working with the bank on it. How come this sounds so familiar?? :sc:
Last month, I took over paying the bills of the Internet. This month bill came and you see for yourself. What a booboo TNB did? I should send them a PINK letter to cut away the billing. :giggles:
Anyway, I need to cut down on electricity to bring it below RM43 so that I don’t taste the 12% increase. Here are some I can think off.
1. Take the children out to walk more often, cut down their TV hours.
2. Buy a bigger kettle to boil water for whole week.
3. Shower before the sun goes down, no need to switch on bathroom light.
4. Iron all the clothes bi-weekly or buy clothes that do not need ironing.
5. During a hot day, if need air-condition, hang around shopping malls.
6. Put more load into the washing machine.
Anymore bright ideas?
A very interesting thing I found when I was in KL was that there is a recycle place in Mid Valley. As I was waiting for the sales ladies (30 mins late for work :mad:) to arrive to rent 2 car trolleys, I saw a recycle booth. It is at P1, the car park exit closest to Jaya Jusco. You can bring in newspapers, plastic bottles, aluminium cans (RM2 per kilo), glass bottles, magazines and boxes. Hey its time to do some spring-cleaning at your house. They don’t pay you much but it is a good cause for the environment.
You must be wondering, how am I going to transport all the rubbish there. It is easy, dump everything to the car and go early at 10:00am (opening hours), park near the entrance of Jaya Jusco, at P1. Take some trolleys (20 sen each), filled them up and push it to the booth. After that, you can use that money for parking fees. As I was waiting there for 30 mins, while my kids were trying out the trolley cars, I counted over 10 people came to recycle. :good:
Anyone know of such a thing in Penang? One time I had all the aluminium cans (children milk powder cans), magazines, plastic bottles but I couldn’t find the darn recycle bin. They removed the recycle bin in Green Lane and some other places that was previously there. :sc: I wish the government should set this booths in hypermarts like Giant, Tesco, Carrefour, etc…. Now I can only recycle my newspaper and magazine. There is a lorry that comes around my place during the weekend.
Yes, it is true. Newspaper published it yesterday.
So happy withdrawing and quickly get yourself out of debt. The catch is your account II must have a minimal account of 500 to qualify.
If you want to learn more about the paperwork, read this and this.
For those who have boys at home, I would recommend you get this parenting VCD. It teaches you how to raise boys, not that you don’t already know. It enhances your skills I suppose. It is conducted by the famous Dr. James Dobson from Focus on the Family.
In part 1, he tells you why boys are different to girls. I quote “Boys are different from girls physiologically, emotionally and socially. The series begins with Dr. Dobson examining how God designed boys. These masculine traits can often irritate and confound parents but were intended to be enjoyed and celebrated – as well as molded and “civilized.”
It is a 60 minutes show and plenty of good illustrations. It cost RM19.90 per VCD and RM200.00 for the whole series. I enjoyed part 1 & part 7 and I will get the entire series.
In first part of the series, it tells you how boys are created differently, even from the making in the womb. How the testosterone floods the womb and this hormonal bath alters the way boy’s brain are structure in many ways. The connections between the two hemispheres of the brain are actually damaged. As a result, boys have a harder time integrating and articulating what they know, feel and believe. Boys and Girls are different.
How many of you find that when you are talking to your husband and he is not listening? Men/Boys have the ability to filter things that they do not want to hear. I often find that true. Dr James Dobson has one very useful method, is when you want to communicate something important to your boy/hubby, touch him with yr hand and look him in the eye, you will get his full attention.
One illustration he gave, a father who tried to make his son drink milk and he refused. He asked him 7 times and he refused. Later the father thought that he has a competitive characteristic in him. He told the son, let’s compete and see who drinks the fastest. He divided the milk into 2 glasses and on the count of 3, both finished the milk. Next the son told the father, let’s make it 2 out of 3 wins. Parents do need to be creative, these days.
Have fun with it.
How come when someone sells insurance to you, they can absolutely be like an angel? Bowing to all your wishes and never saying “No”. The opposite of this is when you try to claim, the customer service officer can really give you a hard time. Don’t ever buy insurance from XIX Company (*name changed, but you get the idea*) because the claim department officers are very unprofessional and the claims policy is ridiculous.
One day my hubby was telling me that my PIL is whining because he cannot claim his hospital bill from the insurance company. You know, elderly people treasure every sen very valuably. He was trying to claim from his company insurance policy because he had the accident when he was working. Apparently he has submitted all his hospital bills to the insurance agent. After a few months, the insurance rejected his claim because of a missing deposit receipt. You know, you have to make a deposit before you can admit to the private hospital, in case you cannot pay.
It is absolutely ridiculous right, in a logical manner that the claim was rejected even though the true copy of the hospital bill is in tact but the deposit receipt is missing. The agent asked PIL to go back to the hospital to issue another but the hospital will never issue another receipt, the best they can do is to certify a copy. The insurance company refuse to accept certify copy. PIL was so upset because he went to the hospital a couple of times. Everyday he complained to us.
I decided to help him out, made a call to the claims department. No one have a definite answer to the claims. The officer asked me to write a letter to appeal. The manager said there is no guarantee the appeal will go through, it depends on the committee.
Me: Why is the deposit receipt so important when you have the actual hospital bill?
Mgr: It is our company policy. *policy to give the customer a hard time* Furthermore, it will prevent the customer to claim from other insurance company.
Me: I am a having a hard time just to claim with the original actual hospital bill from your company. Do you think other insurance company will let me claim using a deposit receipt???!!!
Mgr: *speechless for a few seconds* Please submit an appeal letter.
What a disappointment? I wanted to complain them to Bank Negara. Anyway, I thought of giving the company a chance, draft out an appeal letter for my PIL to sign and send. After a month later, PIL whine again because no news from them. I decided call.
Me: I have sent the letter of appeal a month ago.
Officer: We didn’t receive anything, the computer showed no record. *Excuses*
Me: Can I fax the letter to you?
She gave me the fax number and I faxed it in. After a few more weeks, I called in to check the status else they will probably sit on it. With claims, you have to call in every now and follow through, give them a hard time too.
Officer: The cheque has been issued and has been send to the Penang branch on Feb 12.
Me: My PIL has not heard from the Penang branch.
Officer: You just have to wait for them to call you.
Me: Can I call them?
Officer: If you want, I cannot stop you.
Me: *How RUDE!!!* :wall:
My PIL received the cheque after calling the Penang branch agent. The cheque was RM160 less than the original amount. In the letter, they put “out of goodwill that they have approved the claim” Good will my foot!! :shoot:
Anyway, the whining stops.
*Note, by the way, if any of you have trouble claiming with your insurance company after dealing with them and still negative, you can bring your case to Bank Negara.
Today I was in the Honda Service centre cum sales office. There is this nut head salesman smoking in the air condition premises. Smokes fly all over the contain space. There were children waiting in the service centre too. All of us become secondary smokers. I walk into the manager office to relay this problem. He gave me a blank face and didn’t give me a positive response.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate smokers. I just hate smokers that make other people become secondary smokers, which are more dangerous. I have come across many cases where smokers secretly smoke in air condition premises like the shopping mall, the car park and in public transport.
The government is promoting the “Tak Nak” campaign but not enforcing the public sector to follow strict rules about not smoking areas.
If you know me, I will surely feedback this to Honda and the government bureau. Anyone can give me any more ideas where I can bring this complain to? Please leave the contact and email address.