
Petition Against Cruelty To Animals

October 21, 2005 | 4 Comments   

I hope you will join me for this petition that I received today. How can someone be so cruel to the animal?

If u recall lately in the news that a pup was left to starve to death in a pet shop “WWP” in SS2. The owner disowned the pup coz he had bought a sickly pup, while the pet shop ppl refused to care for him coz they had already sold him off.

And so the poor pup was tied under the stairwell near the fire exit and left to die. How cruel can one get?! It is sad to see a pup in poor health but even more heartbreaking when one is PURPOSELY left to die. Both owner and petshop ppl are at fault and here is a chance to create an awareness that cruelty to pets is a BIG NO NO!.

SPCA needs our support and each one of us fwding this mail and adding ur name to the petition will help. So guys, it’s just a click away to saying “I Care”.

Please sign the SPCA petition at www.spca.org.my. As you may be aware, the SPCA started a petition to the prime minster to raise the cruelty fine from RM200 to a significantly higher fine of around RM10,000.00. The petition, which included the signatures of supporters, was supposed to be handed to the prime minister in October 2004. However, this has not happened, as we only managed to raise 20,000 signatures. Due to the insufficient number of signatures collected during the first phase of this petition, the SPCA is entering a second phase in hope to collect at least 100,000 signatures locally and internationally.

Therefore, we are now entering a phase II stage of the petition whereby we would like you to join our effort for this cause. Please download the petition forms. Kindly photocopy it and distribute it for signatures to be collected. The more names we have, the better.

On behalf of the animals, thank you very much for your support.

