It is a great experience driving long distance in US. My previous trips were mainly driving from hotel to office or hotel to airport. This trip I had to drive about 2 hours up north. There is so much difference between driving in California and here. I am not pressured as the cars do not follow my back closely. Drivers will stay a distance away. Most drivers adhere to the speed limit and they do not seem to be rushing.
I could adjust to driving on the right side very well. I am not sure why but when I came back, it took me some time to re-adjust back.
I was worried because I still haven’t really worked out the stop junction yet. I had to ask my hubby a couple of times. You know those junctions with stop sign and no traffic light. It is a first come first basis and everyone has to stop. If you reach there and stop first, you have the right to go.
At Santa Rosa, it was bad driving at night. The road will fog up and the street lights are very dim. One night, I made a wrong turn and it ended in a road that I could only see a foot away. It is so dark, roads were narrow and I thought I was in a jungle. GPS really helped here. I depend on it very much and most of the time, it brings me to my destination.
I stole a shot while I was crossing the Golden Gate Bridge. It is not as long as the Penang bridge but more expensive. I had to pay US5.00 for the return trip.