Two days ago, someone called me up to say there is a big problem with his PC. He told me that all his web applications cannot run. He was blaming the network, he has to blame something right. It wasn’t the network as I tried accessing some URL and it was successful.
Next, he told me it was the application problem. It cannot be because 3 web applications cannot run. After I did some troubleshooting, I found out the scripting doesn’t work on the browser. Conclusion, the browser was the culprit. I checked the setting to ensure scripting is enabled and even set the lowest security. The browser still remains problematic.
After a few hours of troubleshooting and running out of workable idea, I asked him to install firefox. With firefox, all his web applications work.
However, he still needs the IE to be fixed. Today basically I asked him to reformat the PC because the IE is corrupted big time. He even installed IE7 and still all his applications didn’t work. Funny thing is that there is no version, product id and info showing in the IE about box.
Oh well, I didn’t give up and thought maybe reapplying XP Service Pack 2, it may get it to work. After applying the XP Service Pack 2, it restarted the PC. Now it is still in processing mode and never got to the login screen, after an hour. Bumma, now he really has to reformat the PC. It is just not my day with fixing things.
I am still keeping my finger cross, that it will complete processing and go to the login screen. Tomorrow will be a new day!