
Happy At Last..

October 8, 2007 | Post Comment   

Knowing me, I never give up. I have been loyal to this back for more than 10 years with 1 credit card only. I am also a good pay master meaning I pay on time. However the support staff didn’t pay any attention to my history. *frus*

I called the bank HQ and ask them to channel me to credit card dept manager. Finally I got to speak to someone who give superb service.

Staff: Hello, how can I help you?
Caller: *state the history again…bla bla bla*
Staff: *do verification*
Staff: I will submit a request to waive your admin fees. *This is what I want to hear*
Caller: Can I cancel the supplementary card?
Staff: Yes, I will fax you the cancellation form.
Caller: Great. I spoke to your last 2 staff but they didn’t help me. It was really frustrating talking to them. I have been with your bank for a long time and I don’t really want to loose that relationship.
Staff: Yes, I can tell from your record and you are a good pay master too.
Caller: Thanks.
Staff: Is there anything else?
Caller: Nope and Thanks.

It took me the third call to get everything done. Anyway I will cancel the supplementary card. By the way, if you really want good service from a credit card company, remember to stick with one card, pay on time and have a good history. You be sure that management will waive any fees just to keep you. Otherwise change bank!

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