I am so looking forward to this day where my road tax expired. Now I can claim back my subsidy from the government, cash worth $625.00. Today I went to JPJ and saw a huge crowd there. Never go to JPJ or bank on a Monday, start or the week where most people choose to do things on Monday. Never go on a Friday where people like to do things last minute. In between weekdays is alright, less crowd.
Anyway, with that crowd and overheard the official mention, lots of agents with a stack of road tax to pay, I changed plan. I decided to go to a secluded post office to renew my road tax and claim my $625.
Finally my turn, the officer did my road tax first. Strangely, she asked me to pay my road tax first. I was a little shock, wondering why she cannot do both concurrently and pay me the difference. Anyway, I was in a good mood, so I paid my tax first. Then she went on to process my claim. Sigh. Later she paid me $625. 🙄
With a portion of the money, I spent on this….Guess what is in the box?

a watch.
something you do not need