
Beware of Scammers

January 20, 2012 | Post Comment   

It is so sad to see so many con artists on the Net especially those Nigerian’s email. The other day I posted some stuff I want sell on mudah.my. After posting it, I received many emails saying they are from UK/London or abroad wanted to buy my stuff. But they want me to ship to Nigeria or South Africa. Yeah right!

Anyway, I told them straight that I do not do any shipping outside my country. Yet, they still email me back. Can’t they take hint that I know they are cons.

I am glad I read one article here:http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/3887493.stm, someone actually able to con them back. As a Chinese saying goes “If you don’t taste chili, you don’t know that it is hot”

So beware of this scammers out there especially if you are selling stuff on the Net!

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