Today I am so very happy. I got my blood test back and guess what. You gals are gonna kill me for this. All normal and my cholesterol level dropped from 3.7 to 3.4. The desirable level is below 5.2. My doctor said that I can have a few more packs of Nasi Lemak.

Anyway, it was a long awaited blood test and I tell you why. I have to do the blood test every year to monitor my thyroid hormones. The doc will throw in the entire blood test package instead of doing just the boring thyroid hormones. After all it is free for me.
On 3rd of Oct, I was happily shopping in Ikea and suddenly a SMS came telling me that I have a doc’s appointment. Oh no, I totally forgot about it. Anyway, I reschedule the appointment. However when I go back to Penang, my menses came. I tried not to have my blood draw during my menses so I postponed it again to another week.
Third week came and both my children were sick with high fever. Bumma, if I was superstitious I might have thought that the blood test is a jinx. I caught a fever bug too.
Finally fourth week, I called up the doc’s clinic to check whether I can see him. He may have surgeries in the morning. I got a spot and I went. I took my blood test and he called me in the afternoon to tell me the results, everything looks good.
My records of Cholesterol Level:
1996 2.4
2000 3.7
2006 3.7
2007 3.7
2008 3.4 (Gain 4 kg in weight too)
I strongly believe that genetic has something to do with having low cholesterol level. 😛 I will definately celebrate this good results with my family.
yay! i agree with u. it is definitely genetic. as for my family, we eat everything but never hv high cholesterol but as for hubby’s, they hv to control what they eat; all of them easier get high cholesterol. i just hope my children will hv my genes in this area! 😉
That’s awesome! More cheesecake for you too!
Few more packs of Nasi Lemak? envy ler .. Also, congrats on the good results too!
Hmmm… maybe i better go check mine… coz I wanna eat more nasi lemak! bleah~