I was away on business trip in Singapore for a project. It was a rush trip but I enjoyed it. It is really an experience to be in Singapore a week before Christmas. There is the “Commercialise Christmas” feelings in the streets of Singapore. A true eye opener for me. Of course, not forgetting the power of buying at Christmas time. It is just so crazy that people buy loads and loads of gift. I guess it is a way to get the economy going.
I wouldn’t say that things are cheap there after currency conversion, although there were lots of sales going on. I didn’t get anything for myself. I got toys for my children that they enjoyed. I wanted to source for a cheap Avent ISIS pump for some mothers who are breastfeeding but I could not get a cheap one. I bet, during Christmas time, they hiked up the price. There was one departmental store, Robinson at Raffles Place giving away 15% discount store wide. The price of the Avent pump with 2 small bottles was SGD87, with 15% discount is SGD74. Upon returning to office, my colleague told me that there is a free SGD20 vouchers for tourist on Christmas season. If he has given me that information while I was there, I can get the pump for SGD54. Sigh. :wall:
The Orchard Streets were just crowded with people. One thing that I dislike is there are lots of people smoking. Practically the streets were cover with smoke. I saw a couple of teenagers smoking too. At least, the government don’t allow them to smoke in air conditional stores. If I want to breath fresh air, need to pop into an air conditional store.
By the way, most of the hotels were fully booked. I was about to stay in 2 different hotels for a 4 days trip. Fortunately upon check in, the front desk could extend my stay. I stayed in Grand Hyatt. The room size is pretty normal. What I like the most is the Plasma TV and I wish I could take it home.
Surprisingly while I was there, I received a phone call from my credit card company, UOB Bank. Wow, they hunt me down. The officer called to check that I was really in Singapore making all those payment transactions. They did the same when I was in US. They provide outstanding service, even waive my annual fees on the spot, even though it was charged to my statement. If you want good service, go with them.
By the way, my hubby did an excellent job of babysitting my 2 children. He said “No Sweat!” Maybe because we trained the children well, both of them sleep by 9pm. My son was a bit “manja” when I got back. My gal was thrilled to see me, gave me so many hugs. I miss them too.
Happy To Be BACK!

Grand Hyatt is my favourite hotel.. b’cos of it’s location and the room.. But you seemed to have stayed in better hotel that you think this is normal?
Going to SGP during Christmas really nice ler.. b’cos of the deco.
Btw, you still looking at buying pump? For the 3rd child?
Zara’s mama: Not for me, the pump. I stopped at 2. The pump is mainly for new mothers who will be breastfeeding.
a simply wonderful 2 in 1 trip!
I nearly went there on Christmas eve ler… but notchet do passport for my son… so gave up liao 🙁 and you are right… so many people smoking there… not just the man… ladies as well… sigh!
Interesting topic… I’m working in this industry myself and I don’t agree about this in 100%, but I added your page to my bookmarks and hope to see more interesting articles in the future