When I was in vacation, back in July, my yahoo account was hacked in to. I could not log in. It is partly my fault, because I didn’t really put an unbreakable password. You probably knock me on the head since I am from IT line, I should know better.
Anyhow, the account was open more than 10 years ago. I had all the chat/IM and my old geocities website, link to this account. My yahoo IM friends will be gone. It will mean that it will all vanish if I don’t get my account back. It seems like a total lost of connection, ha, just like your identity. Fortunately I still have MSN IM.
I tried, “forget your password link” in the yahoo login page. Obviously, that will not work, as hackers will change the information of your profile. Next I wrote to the security team, account-security@cc.yahoo-inc.com. One of the admin requested some verification check like security questions and my postcode. It was more than 10 years ago, how would I remember what I put in? Anyway, I gave them a few answers but my postcode was easy, I only stayed with my parents when I was in KL.
After about 1-2 months, a whole lot of emails flying back and forth, finally, the admin send me a reset password. I had given up then but the good news came.
I heard a lot of cases that are in the same shoe as I am. By the way, for those who still can get into their yahoo account, it is time to update your profile and security question.
Here is what you have to do:
So is your yahoo id valid or not? I yahoo-ed you yesterday, but you didn’t reply.. 😥
yeee… then it can happen to some other like gmail and MSN too, right?
I had the same problem few weeks back. A friend of mine sent me an IM with a link to the Yahoo! Photos. That link was a hoax ‘cos his yahoo account was hacked in. Unbeknownst to me, I clicked on it. Who would’ve thought it was part of the hacker’s scam. Next thing I know, I could not log into my yahoo email account. Aiyo, I panicked! In the end, I clicked the “forget p/w” help section. Luckily I remember the answer to the security question.
So, everyone out there, becareful of IM msg that asks you to click on url to a certain account yahoo photo. Always reply to your friend first to authenticate it.
Me also forgot my yahoo profile liao, got to update now!
Zara’s mama: As of now, it is. Just ping you.
Maria: Yes, but requesting for a reset of password is not tedious with Google and MSN.As long as you update, the secondary email account.
Vien: Looks like Yahoo is in trouble.
Jess: If the account is important, better go update.
Emm…i never thought of it, seems like i have to update it now! :angel: