Need I say more?
Service still not advancing here. I dragged going the Pos Office. I had no choice, my car insurance reminder didn’t come and I was late in renewing my road tax. Usually, my insurance company will renew my road tax but I need it today. I went to JPJ, bumma, the network was down. I had to resort to Pos Office. Usually I pay all my bills and whatever through Internet. However I cannot pay my road tax through Internet. How I wish I can. Can the government do something about this?
Anyway, while waiting for my turn, I saw many still paying bills through Pos Office. I mean I can setup a counter with Internet connection and process their bills with a fee without the wait. Hahaha..side job for anyone who wants to get a quick buck. The staff there as usual took their own sweet time. By the way, only some Pos Office provides the road tax renewal service, not all. Talk about consistency. Now do you know which Pos Office delivered this service? I don’t know too.
Wait till you try to use their Pos Laju service..sooo laju man, until 3 months belum sampai.
usually i go there by 8.30am, when it just open, less ppl!
my road tax and insurance pay together wan, so i pass to one of car dealer here and they can pay for us. The charge is FOC from them too!
Can imagine what you went through. But, I had worse experience with Maybank. It took me more than 2 hours to open an account.
Vien: Issit? Wow, didn’t you complain to them?
Jess: Yeah usually I do that, asking my insurance agent to do it. But this year I was very late.
TheBlueRanger: Welcome to my blog. I heard now with Maybank new account, need an interview. However I like their Internet service, I pratically can pay all my bills there.
wahh that’s a long wait, i would have gone having some makan and return…
there was once, the queue was so long (until outside of the post office). So I gave up..and purposely drove to somewhere further where there wasn’t anyone