Today Phishing comes in many forms. Be aware of it and never fall into the trap. When I first discovered phishing, it was in the form of email. The email will ask you to go to certain site which the sender will make you think that it is legitimate.
An example would be an email from your personal bank asking you to update your personal information in the bank site. The site will have the bank logo, the same look and exactly the same functions. But the URL is different from the usual. If you update any personal information like login and password, you will fall in the trap and may lose money over it. To avoid, do check the URL and make sure it is really legitimate.
Second type of phishing is through SMS where they send you a SMS saying you won a million dollars. In order to get 1 million prize money, you need to deposit a few thousand to their bank account. Don’t be greedy even if they claim that they are from reputable company. Do check with the stated company by calling their company hotlines and not the contact in the SMS.
Third type of phishing is through phone where someone called you up, saying that they are your bank officer. They want to do bank maintenance and they will fish for confidential information. Do not give them any login or password! Better still, do not give them any information but take his/her name and contact. Call back the bank and check the references.
Beware of Phishing, they are out there to get U!