I really have very inconsiderate neighbors and I am not sure where they learn their parking manners. Maybe it is just inconsiderate batch of people. When do they ever learn that it is not okay to do such things at ALL times!

My neighbor’s visitors love to park in front of our gate. A few times when we come home, my gate is blocked by the visitor’s or relative’s car. He loves to say sorry but never sincere because he still park in front of our gate! I got really frustrated when one of my friends parked her car at the parking next to their house, she got scolded for it. First of all, she didn’t block anyone and it is a parking spot. My neighbor thinks that the parking next to their house belongs to them although it is a public road. Yet, many times, their visitors blocked my gate.

Next we have other neighbors who park and take up half the road. I just wonder where they learned how to park like that. Or they think it is their grandfather’s road.
It is a sad neighborhood when they only think of themselves or their own convenient. *shake head*
I admired how Hong Kong or other countries enforce the law, such parking manners will be fined big time. They don’t allowed double park and create virtual parking spots. Don’t you hate it when you see motorbikes parking on a car parking spot? The police will fine every hour and the driver can get more than 1 ticket if he parks illegally for a long time. I just hope we have more traffic or security police going around our neighborhood. Crime is at a rise too!
i really cannot stand this kinda people too. thank God i don’t live in a taman. if not, sure quarrel one! haha.
i hated my neighbours too. park at the common place outside their house oso show face or give good scolding
my left side jiran also same attitude, to me, they are like sakai…coz never use brain and always block my way!!!