Today my friend relayed this story to me. Take it with a pinch of salt. She has a sick relative suspected of high fever and flu. She took her to the clinic to check, hoping for a blood test. The doctor said that she should have gone to the hospital and not come to the clinic. My personal thoughts: The doctor was afraid of a true case of H1N1. He refused to do a blood test for her. Well the doctor has a point, if she is truly H1N1 or flu, she will be spreading to others in the waiting area. Maybe even close down the clinic for a week.
So my friend took her to a private hospital emergency wad. The hospital told her to wait at the emergency waiting area. There were people there too, also in danger of getting her flu. Finally she got to see the doctor again refuse the blood test. The doctor said if he was to do a blood test and it is a true H1N1, they may need to close down the hospital. He directed her to General Hospital, GH (aka public hospital). My personal thoughts: Yeah, should have just sent her away to GH quickly and not have her wait in the waiting area, right?
She went to GH and also directed to the waiting area with lots of people in queue. She had to wait longer until 2am. Finally her turn came. It is funny, when the doctor heard her symptoms, quickly he grabbed a mask and put it on. He also gave her one to put on. GH didn’t have a proper quarantine waiting room, put her in a secluded area. She finally got the blood test done. My personal thoughts: I wondered why they cannot put up a proper secluded waiting area and gave out mask ahead for flu symptoms patients. The process need to be changed. GH is way under staffs and there are too many patients.
The blood test result state that she has dengue. Actually my friend already suspected that her relative got dengue because of the red spots. However doctors refuse to listen or maybe too scare to do the blood test. Poor sick gal had to go through the terrible ordeal, waiting and rejection. Is that how we get treated if we are sick? Something for the govt to ponder.

kinda expected coz private hospital and clinic wants money only.
that’s why the virus spread so so so fast here!
miche: Well it is their rice bowl, anyone would do the same.
CP: Yeap GH need a better process.
then how lar…it spreading soooo fast..
Another real case. My SIL’s son having prolong fever/flu, the private hospital also rejected to check on him, ask him go GH.
true..but not all the hospitals are like dat..there is one dat i know of which treats fever cases well.FIRST they have a counter outside which does a blood test and its outside the hospital at the door. So , if you think you’re infected, u can do a test before entering the hospital. Even on the inside, they first ask if patients have a fever to give out a face mask. Maybe other clinics and hospitals have to do these steps too.