
RM50 Service Tax For Credit Card

October 25, 2009 | 10 Comments   

I read in the newspaper that government is introducing RM50 service tax yearly per credit card, starting Jan 1. They cannot make up their minds, they stopped, they introduced, they stopped and introduce again. It is a never ending story. Make us do work only. I really hope they pull back this decision.

Poor me, I have to start cancelling all my credit cards again. It was not my fault to have so many, the credit card company just give me free of charge with no fees. I applied 1, they give me 2 both Masters and Visa. Some of them are just discount cards like the Ikea credit card I just applied.

Poor Credit Card’s sales staff, they will not get many people applying for credit cards next year. Everyone will want to save RM50. It will reduce credit cards sales job and it is not good for the country.

Poor people who had installments tie to their credit cards, they cannot do anything but to pay RM50 for nothing.

As for me, I have to start canceling my credit cards now….2 more months to go. Now which one should I keep? That’s the hard part.

