I always wanted to get a GPS but I do not know which model to get. I also do not know whether it will work in Malaysia or has Malaysia map. Thanks to a group of developers, they produce Malaysia map.
Garmin has a lot of GPS models which confuses me. I really wanted one with the minimal features and cheap. Of coz not a old model that will be discontinued. I went to search for a Garmin model chart for something that is right for me. You can Google for the comparison chart.
Before I went to the states, I also search for Malaysia map that can be loaded to the model of my choice. I got the Malaysia maps from Malsingmaps.com. It is very easy to install the map, just drag and drop to the GPS folder when you connect the GPS to your notebook.
I was fortunate when I saw Costco was giving rebates for GPS 265WT, the model I selected. It took me a while to make a purchase. I am glad I did. Amazon sold a little higher. GPS 285W is selling at a very low price.
Now I have been playing with it and it works in Penang. I am going to test it out in Kuala Lumpur which I always get lost there. Ipoh too, to find good place to eat!
Hubby borrowed his friend’s GPS, which helped us to navigate Penang roads when we were there in December. It’s quite useful really. I am also thinking of getting one but hesitating coz I think it’ll be pretty underutilised.
I have installed Garmin XT & OVI Maps into my Nokia phone.
There is no lane assist for the Garmin version I’m using. So quite confusing when it comes multiple lanes/junctions with heavy traffic — end up driving/queuing in the wrong lane.
But still it can recalculate route to your destination if you end up taking the wrong turn. I’ve used it in most of Malaysia, so far OK. Just need a bit of patience while driving.
As for Ovi from Nokia, its quite comparable but the features (sim route, dashboard info) & POI/search list are not as matured as Garmin’s. But still, its free and detailed maps are available for all the countries in the world. It also have walk guide.
LonJon: Yeap I have to agree, I turn into a couple of wrong lanes too using Garmin map in KL. KL has too many lanes which is confusing.
I have the tendency of turning immediately after the GPS asked to turn in X meters but it is actually further down.
Yup, happens to me all the time too. We need to make use of POIs/landmarks to navigate with a bit more intelligence rather than obligingly following the instructions.
You may try malfreemaps which is much more detail than the malsingmaps I think and just recently updated.
Go to http://www.malfreemaps.com/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=893.
LonJon: Thanks, this will help greatly. I will certainly try it.