My fish tank is filled with green algae stain and I really need to clean it. I cannot possibly take out everything from the tank and do a thorough clean because there are layers of sand and stone nicely placed below.
I always wanted to get a magnet cleaner but not sure if it will work. Anyway I went ahead and got a good brand. It is the Marina Hagen Glass Algae Magnet Aquarium Cleaner. There is a powerful magnet to ensure a very tight grip. It has a tiny brush bristles that scrub the glass but it will not scratch it. You do not even need to put in force to do the scrubbing. All it needs is a rapid small movement back and forth and the green stain will come off.

Now my tank looks clear and pretty. I am sure my fish is very happy to see my smiling face. Make sure you get a good brand of the magnet cleaner.