
Upgraded this Blog

March 23, 2010 | Post Comment   

From WordPress 2.1.1 to 2.9.2

Yesterday, I finally upgrade this blog to the latest version of WordPress 2.9.2. Although I would love to stick to the classic version but I cannot because my web host wants to upgrade the PHP. The new PHP version does not support the classic WordPress version. Secondly, the security for the old version is not as good.

The user interface of the new version looks complicated. I think I jumped from 9 steps up. The tabs on the top move to the left side. The outlook is different. I suppose it has more features. I haven’t made my way in some of them.

Ooh, the way I upgraded it, you can never believe it. I just click a link and it does it for me. I didn’t have to crack my head. It only took 2 minutes.

Now I just have to get use to the new version until it gets really old.

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