I love basil especially in my Vietnamese noodles called Pho. My friend planted a lot of these and she gave me a few. I was so happy because finally I can have my own basil plants. In fact I was looking for it last year but no one has it.
Basil is good for people who is diabetic and asthma. Hey even my children loves to eat it just like that. I hope it will sprout more basil leaves then I can make some pho at home.
Yeap, I will start an herb garden soon. I love planting but I don’t have green hands like my father in law.
Two days ago, there was an earthquake in north of Indonesia, Aceh province to be précised. Penang state felt the aftershock. It was the first time I felt it. The past aftershock went unnoticed by me. I remembered when the big Tsunami hit, early morning I was at church. The church members felt shaking and furniture moving. I didn’t feel a thing. We evacuated the building. The next day, the big news came that Penang was hit by Tsunami.
This time I was at the office first floor, I felt dizzy and I thought that I didn’t have enough sleep due to busy schedule. Next thing, my colleague asked me whether I felt the earthquake. Boy was I shocked. Most of us were worried about Tsunami. Thank goodness, it didn’t happen.
Oh well, at least now I know how an earthquake will feel like. It is definitely not a good experience.