Another blog marketing company has emerged in Malaysian market called Similar to many sponsored post programs which you can get paid by reviewing a product or service in your blog. It is good to have competition, it benefit all bloggers like us.

I was introduced to this program by Jess. I signed up immediately because as Malaysian bloggers, we need to support our local companies. It is good to have these companies who are able to help us to find advertisers who want to advertise in our local blogs but do not know how to reach us. As you know most of the US blog marketing company charges an exorbitant rate and local advertisers looses out.
I would love to see Advertlets make it big and going global, taking on more global advertisements so that we bloggers can earn more. I hope Advertlets can be our ambassador between the advertisers and bloggers, letting us know what they want to see in ours blogs and helping us to gain popularity with valid traffic, not spams.
As Malaysian bloggers, go and join me to support this company. Others are welcome too! Take a poll at my side bar if you just want to drop your feedback. RM50 for the first 300 bloggers to sign up and review Advertlets. Don’t miss the boat.
This is a sponsored post.