After my thyroid case, I try to improve my health, not that I am unhealthy but I am not getting any younger. Recently I heard 5 cancer cases among my dear friends. It is sort of an alert for me to take good care of my health.

Few months ago as I was browsing around MPH book shop, I picked up this book called “What your doctor doesn’t know about nutritional medicine may be killing you.” It was a good read and opens my eyes a little on supplements. I have always been told if I eat nutritiously, my body is able to capture all the nutrition and vitamins I need. However, as my little body grows old and due to work stress, sometimes it doesn’t function a 100% in absorbing the nutrients I need. Therefore, I need to take supplements. I don’t take it all the time, I only take it when I need it, usually when I have lack of sleep, menstrual cycle day and when I am faced with lots of stress.
Back to the book, the book talks about people with serious disease such as cancer, stroke, diabetes, heart disease and many more. It teaches me what supplements are good for what? The writer who is a doctor himself mentioned lots of unhealthy medication for serious disease that can kill you. It may work to cure your disease but the side effects will kill you. Taking the optimal amount of certain supplements can help fight disease if you have to take nasty medication such as chemotherapy. You need to consult a doctor for the right prescription but often doctor who is not into nutritional medication will oppose to it.
Do you know that you need 7 daily servings of vegetables and fruits? I love eating vegetables especially salad. Funny, I do crave for it every now and then. I love to cut celery and carrots into sticks, keep it in my fridge. Whenever my teeth wanna chew something, I will chew that. I love every kind of vegetables and fruits. I was thinking of investing on a good juicer (Jack Lalanne Power Juicer) but my hubby will say “You probably use it once and then will leave it there collecting dust”. Yeap he knows me so well.
Above all, I need to thank God for taking care of me and my family. I once asked my hubby, if he knew he has terminal illness and only a few months of life what will he do. He told me that he will spend time with the family and he will meditate on God’s word. He said he will be thrill to be call home to meet God. How true. Life does not end in death.
JAck Lalanne Juicer is still a hot item. I’ve been eyeing to buy for for years but was hoping the price will drop. It is still at $99!!!
hehe it’s good u have cravings for veg. I also like veg…next time i bring u eat veg rice 😉
Salad is good but the dressing might not is the healthy ingredient. Still eat them with fresh is the best!
Sometimes I also don’t understand how come people love those supplement more than healthy meal cook at home. Supplement only is needed on certain stages in our life and I totally agree with michelle.
Have you heard of Ayuverda? It has some interesting facts to keep one healthy n balance in life.
Well put Michelle. Life does not end with death. 😀
Life does not end in death…ya..true…but i wonder i can face it like this sentence said or not???!!
Hmm…talking about life and death, something no one can avoid. Just enjoy and be happy.