How many of you are environmental friendly? Do you put an effort to help the environment? It is really sad that many of us are aware that we need to use less plastic bags, recycle and use less disposable stuff but we don’t really put an effort to do it. Do it for the next generations to come.
Here are some tips where you can help the environment.
1. Reject the use of plastic bags. Bring your own shopping bag if you have to. I keep one in the car.
2. Conserve water and do not let water running without use.
3. Car pool if you can.
4. Use energy saver lights.
5. Fix all leaking pipe.
6. Print on double sided or avoid printing if you don’t need it.
7. Do not simply dispose used batteries. Read the label instruction to find out ways to dispose of it.
8. Recycle!
9. Limit the use of disposable utensils.
10. Buy environmentally safe products.
Very often, the cafeteria lady will give me a plastic bag whenever I buy junk food. I have been refusing to take and yet she still offers. Sigh. Oh please help the environment for the future of your children!
I tell you, last time I go to Tesxx buy a lot of stuff, the stupid cashier give me lots of plastic bag and put each item in one plastic bag… I was shock and end up I help her put in to save using the company plastic bag la…
There are a lot of people who are not aware of the damage they are doing to the environment. They do not understand that plastic bags aren’t biodegradable, hence they aren’t bothered to take even simple steps to reduce the use of plastic bags.
I’m glad we still have people like you who are willing to openly talk about this and encourage your friends to do something for the environment! 🙂
thanks for reminding everyone about recycle…. I’m also about to blog about this, the planet really needs our help to prevent further damage. I too don’t like plastic bags if I just buy afew item… normally I stuff into my own bag. Will try to knit or crochet shopping bag too… 🙂