I heard so much about the 2 Kuala Lumpur donut shops where people queue to buy it. I went to the Curve Big Apple to get a dozen of my own. I went there during the night time and there wasn’t any queue. How fortunate. A donut cost RM2 per piece. It is cheaper if you get ½ dozen or a dozen.

I really love it at the first bite of the Big Apple donut. The donut is really soft and the toppings melt in the mouth. I have sweet tooth so it really taste good. However for those who doesn’t like sweet things, maybe you may not like it.
A few days later, I went to Pavilion lower ground floor to try out J.CO donut. The toppings are almost the same as Big Apple but it has more selections. Yes, there was a queue but I could get a box within 15 minutes. If you do not want to queue, you can go to the drink counter and pick up a dozen right away. However, you cannot make any selection.

Overall, I like Big Apple’s donut because of the soft base. J.CO’s topping is not as sweet. J.CO is also cheaper. By the way, both donut shops, the donut is made fresh on the spot. Now it makes DD taste really bad.
If you come to Penang, please bring me these donuts. Yummy….
Recommendations: Tiramisu, Al Capone, JCrown Almond.

hehe, i prefer JCo
happy chinese new year to you and your family!!! i love donuts … but can’t eat too many of them at one time.
Mmmmmm….i love these donuts too but they have to be eaten fresh. I think i finish half a dozen almost by myself the last time!
I love the almond ones from Big Apple!