I am not a handbag person, meaning I don’t carry handbag. However ever since I knew about Coach Bag, I kind of like the design. Not sure why. When I first saw the coach patchwork design in the Coach KL Shop, I like it very much. However I was rushing to go somewhere and didn’t really buy it there.
I hunt it down and I found one in Ebay. I was really skeptical of getting a branded bag in Ebay because you really cannot trust some of the sellers there. It may be replicas that they are selling. I found one seller who I have a good feeling that she is selling the authenticated one because she gave me the receipt from coach shop, coach tag and what not. By the way I got it 70% off the original price, last year.
The shipping fees were not very costly, maybe the seller misquote. The only problem I faced when the bag arrived was custom. The custom sent me a card asking me to collect the item in Butterworth, the other side.
Fortunately, my FIL knew one custom person to help me. Yes, I did pay a minimum tax on this item. I wonder how people get away from pay tax. It was worth getting it. Until today, I am still using it to travel.
It will be soon that I am going to walk into a Coach shop in US. Let’s hope I can get another one that I like that is in the acceptable price range. I got this for my mom on mother’s day.

Michelle, the patch design looks nice n different than the other Coach bag…
Good bargain you got there…
maybe the value declared is too high?
for EMS, better put below RM500.