Yes, I am chasing the Rooftop Prince Korean drama and 2 more episodes left. One thing with Korean drama, I have to wait 1 week for 2 episodes. As opposed to TVB Hong Kong drama, it is shown every day except weekends. Note to self, next time I chase any Korean drama, I will make sure the series complete before I start to watch.
Anyway, here is my prediction on what will happen to the ending. I believed the one who died in the pond was Bu Yong. However at the end of Episode 18, Park Ha has save the prince and she was knocked down by the evil Tae Mu. She goes into coma. The prince will go back in time to save Bu Yong from drowning in the pond. Park Ha and the real Tae Yong will wake up from coma, forgetting the past and start a new love. The prince and Bu Yong will also live happily after. Let’s see if my prediction is correct.
By the way, the plot for this drama is good. However a few parts that are unrealistic especially in Episode 18. Why didn’t the prince report Tae Mu/Se Na to the police when they discover the black box? Give him another opportunity to commit crime. Secondly, why did the lawyer have to wait another day for the Will to be final? Just to give Tae Mu another opportunity to get the prince again. Thirdly, the prince sure knows when to disappear from prison and no police go after him when a prisoner has escape. Lastly, Park Ha should have called the prince when she lost her phone to warn him. No, she didn’t and goes right to the spot to be killed. *rolleyes*
Lastly, Yoochun’s expression and acting in this drama is really great!