
Angpow Designs

February 27, 2007 | 10 Comments   

Before married, all angpows go into my pockets. 😀 After married, I am counting my children’s angpow. See and cannot spend. 😥 They received a lot of angpows from family, relatives and friends. Even unmarried people also give my children angpows.

I was counting all the cash they got. At the end of CNY, I will bank it into their account. I told my children, they can have RM10 to get a toy. Tim wanted a pair of glasses and Emily hasn’t decided yet.

My children receive many different and interesting angpow packets. These days, the advertising company or bank is very creative. I used to collect different design of angpows but no space to keep it, so I have to throw it all away.

RHB Bank
Kodak – Power Puff Gals
Shiny Design – I kind of like this one.
Gurney Plaza – Simple and Sweet
The Whole Lot!

