Upgrade 2G iPhone To 3.1.3
I wanted to install the camera applications for a long time but it needs 3.1.3. I procrastinated until my iPhone performance deteriorated. Maybe I installed too many apps.
First step was to Google for instructions. I found a couple but I was looking for the easiest way. There are no posts that gave end to end instructions. I tell you, I made a couple of mistakes but finally got it working.
So here are the steps:
1. Install the latest iTunes. Click here.
2. Backup your current iPhone. *Important step if you don’t want to reinstall all your apps*
3. Download 3.1.3 firmware for iPhone 2G. Click here.
4. Set your phone to DFU mode and launch iTunes. iTunes will asked you to restore your firmware. Press Shift and click Restore button. Browse for iPhone1,1_3.1.3_7E18_Restore.ipsw (downloaded in step #3). Wait for it to install 3.1.3 firmware.
5. Follow the rest of the step here. Take note, only select “Install Cydia” and “Unlock”. Do not select “Already Pwned”
6. After jailbreak, you can launch iTunes to restore your backup. Everything will be back to the original setting. You don’t even need to rearrange your icons. The only apps that are missing are those install through Cydia.
All the best!
Google Pacman
May 26, 2010 | Permalink | Comments Off on Google Pacman
Google had pacman game on its search engine last week to commemorate 30th anniversary of the pacman game. I haven’t played the game for a long time. I am glad I still have the skills.
My brother was the King of pacman. He used to complete all level. He gets so many free games at the arcade. He played until the owner of the arcade want to close shop and return his 20 cents back. Those days it was 20 cents per game. He played the whole day with 20 cents. I used to sit by him and watched him play.
This game does bring back memories.

May 25, 2010 | Permalink | Comments Off on Cookware
I love to cook and thanks to my school, that’s where I learn how to cook. Too bad, now they do not have home science subject in school. I did enjoyed cooking in school. I baked, I fried, I steam and I make delicious food. Of course I did learn some recipe by observing my mom cooked.
In order to make delicious food, you must have good cookware. I heard the all clad copper core cookware are able to distribute the heat evenly for cooking. It also has a lifetime warranty. Some cookware does bring out the good taste in your cooking.

Penang Arch Unsafe
May 19, 2010 | Permalink | Comments Off on Penang Arch Unsafe

Source: http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2010/5/18/nation/6277596&&sec=nation
7 million to beautify Penang Botanic Garden, started with an Unsafe Arch. 7 million of hard earn tax payers money go down the drain. Thanks to the Federal Government.
7 million can be spend on many things to benefit the people and what can an unstable arch do? With 7 million, they can build a huge bungalow to house homeless people on the street. 7 million, you can feed a village of people for the whole year. 7 million, you can help many poor children get a proper education or home.
Another sad story.
Consumer Tribunal Case
May 12, 2010 | Permalink | Comments Off on Consumer Tribunal Case
Here is how you submit a Consumer Tribunal Case…
You can go to the online to submit your case here. First you have to register to get an account to login.
With that account, you (Penuntut) can submit Form 1 (Borang 1), state your case and the party you want to claim from (Penentang) online. If you are not sure whether it is a valid case, you can submit an enquiry without any fees and wait for their reply. The system doesn’t send any notification, so you have to go in to check every now and then.
After you submit Borang 1, you need to pay RM5. You can use internet banking to transfer the money. A receipt will be given to you.
Print out the Borang 1 and you need to send or give the Borang 1 to the party with a witness. If you are sending, you need to register the letter and get AT (Akaun Terima) card. Ask the post office about AT card. The AT card will indicate that the party has received your Borang 1 and details of the case. The AT card will be send back to you by the post office if your party received the registered letter. Ensure the address is correct. No AT card, no case! If got AT card and the defendant didn’t attend, you will be awarded.
AT Card:

Wait for the hearing date listed on the Borang 1 and a blue Borang 4 will be send to you. Remember to bring your myKad, AT and Borang 4. Important: If you have evidence, bring it with you.
The defendant will need to submit a Borang 2 which contains his defendant statement. You have to read through it before the hearing. Some defendant may want to settle and if you agree, just tell the judge before the hearing. The settlement will be documented.
On the date of the hearing, you and your defendant will be called. Judge will advise for a settlement to get a win-win situation. If not, hearing will begin. You will give your statement and your defendant will give his. Show all your evidence if judge asked.
If you are awarded, you need to wait for the awarded letter. Within 14 days, the party has to pay you whatever you are awarded. If not, they will be fine or jail or both.
In Summary:
1. Register an account in
2. Submit Borang 1
3. Pay RM5
4. Print out Borang 1 and send/give to the defendant. If registered letter, get the AT card.
5. A blue letter Borang 4 will be sent to you.
6. Wait for hearing date, be on time.
7. Bring myKad, Borang 4 and AT card.
8. If awarded, get awarded letter.
9. Case closed.
Simple right?
Here is the award letter against Celcom….

May 9, 2010 | Permalink | Comments Off on Mangosteen

It is in SEASON!!! Yeah it is one of my favorite fruit. Some countries may not have this fruit, it is really too bad for them.
The fruit is purple outside but the edible part is white. It is juicy, sweet and very nutritious. I heard now they have pure juice extract from mangosteen. I wonder how many mangosteen to make a bottle of juice.
Do you know that if you look at the bottom of the fruit, you can tell how many edible white parts in the fruit? Example the one in the picture has 7 petals which mean it has 7 white parts in the fruit. I love choosing more petals. Simply delicious, if your country does not have this fruit and you are in Malaysia, you have to try it.

Spa Tub & Covers
May 7, 2010 | Permalink | Comments Off on Spa Tub & Covers
Do you know now you can get your very own spa hot tub and spa covers? The Spa Tub is so portable and you can just place it in your home.
I bet my children would love to have one of those. Generally, they love to play with water and I love a good soak in my favorite aroma therapy oil. I am still surveying for one that can fit in my bathroom. It would be great if it has Jacuzzi feature.

EPF & Will
The Will cannot overwrite the EPF beneficiaries’ policy. Therefore whatever you write on the Will has no power to overrule what you have assigned at the EPF (KWSP) office.
I also found out that there is no substitute beneficiary with EPF which post some problems. Here are the cases:
1. Let’s say I nominate my spouse to take 100% of my EPF fund. If my partner and I passed away, the fund will be distributed according to the law. That is
- Surviving Spouse only – 100% to spouse
- Surviving Parents only – 100% to parents
- Surviving Issues only – 100% to Issues. Issues refer to children & grandchildren
- Surviving Spouse and Parents only – 50% spouse and 50% parents
- Surviving Spouse and Issues only – 1/3 spouse and 2/3 Issues
- Surviving Parents and Issues only – 1/3 parents and 2/3 Issues
- All Spouse, Parents & Issues – 25% spouse, 25% parents and 50% Issues
2. Let’s say I nominate my spouse to take 50% and my children to take 50%.
a. If I and my partner passed away, children will only have 50%++ and the other 50% will be distributed according to the law. If the children are below 18, they will not get anything until they reach 18. The guardian may apply a portion for the children expenses but it has to go through the red tapes.
b. If spouse survive then he can withdraw 50%. The rest will have to wait for the children to reach 18.
In above both cases with children below 18, it will be difficult for us to use the money for them. We need a court order and apply for a withdrawal for them with all the relevant documents. I am not sure how long it will take but a court order will take some time.
Will Executor
April 28, 2010 | Permalink | Comments Off on Will Executor
A Will Executor is some who execute the Will or the deceased wishes. It is not an easy job as he/she will need to engage a lawyer to get a court order or grant of Probate to distribute the asset in the Will accordingly.
For any transfer of property, again he needs to seek lawyer to carry that out. By the way, any transfer of property will required legal fees or stamp duty as below.
Legal Fees:
- 1% on the first RM100,000.00
- 0.5% on the next RM4,900,000.00
- 0.25% on the remainder
Stamp Duty:
- 1% on the first RM100,000.00
- 2% on the next RM400,000.00
- 3% on the nest RM1,500,000.00 and
- 4% on the remainder (item 32 [a] of the Stamp Act 1949)
Above has to be paid by the executor but he/she can get the money from the Will for administrating the distribution.
Documents required for grant of probate:
- Original Death Certificate of the Deceased
- Copy of Executor’s Identify Card
- Copy of All Beneficiaries’ Identify Card
- Original Will
- Deposit for legal fees
The executor can be a beneficiary of the Will. The executor must also clear off the deceased’s debt before distributing the Will’s asset.
In cases where there is no cash in the Will, the executor may need to liquidate the property to pay for the debt, taxes and other expenses. However, the beneficiaries may not agree to the sale of the property.
Here is a detailed chart of the Executor Roles & Responsibilities from VitalWills.com: DutiesofExecutor.pdf
However if you have very few properties, it is not a big problem for the Executor. If you have a lot of properties and asset, maybe you should consider a professional Executor.
Will Act: http://www.mylawyer.com.my/law/Wills_Act.php
Pen Your Will
A Will is a written declaration of a person of things he wishes to take effected after his death or at the time of his death. At the time of his death is when one is in a coma and wishes to end his life peacefully. I am not sure whether this is legal in Malaysia, maybe not.
A Will can be hand written, signed by the one who made the Will and signed by 2 witnesses. Witnesses cannot be the beneficiaries of the Will such as parents, spouse, children or anyone that the person puts as beneficiaries of the Will. Most important, the person must be of sound mind at the time of signing the Will.
Well, you and I can just create a Will without paying anyone to do it for you. Just get 2 witnesses and have it signed. It will be a legal document.
In most cases, people will seek corporation help when he/she wants someone trusted to be the Will executor. The executor is required to carry out the distribution accordingly, seek legal help to apply grant of Probate from High Court and a lot of running around. You are advised to name 2 executors in your Will, just in case the main executor either cannot carry out the duties or he/she passed away. It is not easy to become an executor if the Will is not written properly.
I guess that is one reason why many people seek professional help and willing to pay a fee for it.
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