My family loves Crème Brulee and I like making it too. It is not that hard to make it. I am also glad that I finally found a small cheap torch to harden the sugar on the top. Here is one that I made. Sweet!

My family loves Crème Brulee and I like making it too. It is not that hard to make it. I am also glad that I finally found a small cheap torch to harden the sugar on the top. Here is one that I made. Sweet!
Everyone loves to eat fried things. For health note, please try to reduce, if you eat it too often as it is really unhealthy for the heart.
Anyway I saw this great video to teach us how to make Tempura that I like to share it with you. Here are some of the tips that I learn along the way too:
1. To clean the prawn, you can use a toothpick. Poke and pull out the black tiny intestine out.
2. To straighten the prawn, make tiny cuts on the curl sides.
3. Use ice cold water on the batter.
4. Make sure the frying oil temperature is right.
Happy making your perfect tempura!
I always have problem arranging my things in the kitchen. I may have over bought too many things or collected too many kitchen appliances. I would say more than 50% of them are untouched. Maybe once in a year I will use them.
I am sure you are in the same shoe as I am. The other day I came across some tips on arranging kitchen’s stuff. Here is the video and hope you can use the tips too. Now I need some turn tables!
I have so many magazines that I need to recycle. I am sure you do too. I thought of doing a mini recycle project like weaving a basket from these papers in the magazine. Before I attempt to do the basket, I started with weaving a pen holder.
I started browsing the web on how to do weaving and found a couple of videos on you tube. Here is how to start.
First tear a page from the magazine and cut it into 4 equal long pieces. After that, roll it. You can use a thin satay stick to help roll. You join the paper sticks with glue.
You need to makes lot of rolls before starting to weave.
Here a video to teach you how to weave
Don’t you hate it when you need to open a jar and you cannot! Usually I will take a butter knife and poke the hinges to release the vacuum. Once I hear the pop sound, it will be easier for me to open. However I learn a few ways from this video:
I ordered something online in an US store and intended to send to my friend in US. However when I checkout, the shipping address, it became my billing address. I wasn’t sure it was my fault or system bug. Anyway when I discovered it, the shipment went out.
I had to make a long distance call to the store customer service. Thanks to Skype VOIP that it is not very expensive for the call.
The CS rep picked up the phone. I can hear from her voice that she must have a bad day. I told her the problem and asked her to help called Fed Ex to change the shipping address. She told me she cannot do that. She said either I go pick it up from the Fed Ex nearest location or I have to call Fed Ex myself. The fact is Fed Ex only will entertain call from the shipper that is the store and not me. Anyway I asked for her manager and she put me on hold. Later the phone got disconnected.
I called the second time and another CS rep answered. She sound nicer and was willing to help. She told me that she will key in the new address into the Fed Ex system. Later my parcel arrived safely. Thanks to her.
The moral of the story is whether one is willing to help or not. If you are willing, you can make you customer happier. If not, you are not suited for this job as a Customer Service agent.
A friend told me this that Listerine can help repel mosquitoes. All you need to do is to get a spray bottle, fill it with water and pour half cap of Listerine into the water. Spray it around the house or rooms. It can repel mosquitoes. It is better than spraying those toxic aerosol and also environmental friendly. Yes, I tried it and it works.
By the way, if you bath with soap that is pine scented, the mosquitoes will not come near you. Or you can buy pine scented oil and burn it. I love the pine smell.
Lastly, you can also plant a pot of lemon grass, it will also repel mosquitoes. Hope these tips work for you.
Yes, I am chasing the Rooftop Prince Korean drama and 2 more episodes left. One thing with Korean drama, I have to wait 1 week for 2 episodes. As opposed to TVB Hong Kong drama, it is shown every day except weekends. Note to self, next time I chase any Korean drama, I will make sure the series complete before I start to watch.
Anyway, here is my prediction on what will happen to the ending. I believed the one who died in the pond was Bu Yong. However at the end of Episode 18, Park Ha has save the prince and she was knocked down by the evil Tae Mu. She goes into coma. The prince will go back in time to save Bu Yong from drowning in the pond. Park Ha and the real Tae Yong will wake up from coma, forgetting the past and start a new love. The prince and Bu Yong will also live happily after. Let’s see if my prediction is correct.
By the way, the plot for this drama is good. However a few parts that are unrealistic especially in Episode 18. Why didn’t the prince report Tae Mu/Se Na to the police when they discover the black box? Give him another opportunity to commit crime. Secondly, why did the lawyer have to wait another day for the Will to be final? Just to give Tae Mu another opportunity to get the prince again. Thirdly, the prince sure knows when to disappear from prison and no police go after him when a prisoner has escape. Lastly, Park Ha should have called the prince when she lost her phone to warn him. No, she didn’t and goes right to the spot to be killed. *rolleyes*
Lastly, Yoochun’s expression and acting in this drama is really great!
I won The Samsung Note from a SMS contest. It was really a surprise to me. It started when I walked passed a junk food shop in Queensbay and outside there is a huge banner on the contest. In order to participate, I need to spend minimum $50, I think on a particular credit card for anything. I was holding a receipt that was $50 or more.
I text in to register, only 1 SMS. One morning, my phone rang and the caller told me that I was one of the fortunate one to win the contest if I answer the question. It was a TRUE or FALSE question. I answered it correctly. After 1 month, I received a SMS that I won and they will send me the Note. How cool was that?
But I still like my iPhone…lol
Anyhow TheNote has made me watch Korean drama series. And those Korean artists, most of them use Samsung Note. Not only that, I am slowly liking Korean music when I don’t even know Korean. Freaky!
Here is one I like:
I love spending time doing any type of puzzles. When I was in University, I used to put 1000 pieces of jigsaw puzzles together. It is one of the best past time hobby because most of the time I spend at home and less time for me to spend money outside.
Today while I was shopping at Daiso, I saw this puzzle. Actually before that, I have seen it many times. I told myself, it is impossible to separate the color balls. Never took a second look. However today, I picked it up and started playing with it. Then I discovered a method of doing so. It took me 5 minutes to separate the color balls. Cool right?
Try it when you go into Daiso the next time. It is also a test of your patience.