Two month ago, TNB sent me a PINK letter saying they are going to cut my electricity if I do not pay the balance amount (“Tunggakan”). Usually my hubby settled all the bills using the Internet. We have statements to show we pay on time and the right amount. I was frustrated then because I thought my hubby delayed in paying. Anyhow, I asked him to go to the TNB branch and settled the matter. TNB told him many customers have these issue and they are working with the bank on it. How come this sounds so familiar?? :sc:
Last month, I took over paying the bills of the Internet. This month bill came and you see for yourself. What a booboo TNB did? I should send them a PINK letter to cut away the billing. :giggles:

Anyway, I need to cut down on electricity to bring it below RM43 so that I don’t taste the 12% increase. Here are some I can think off.
1. Take the children out to walk more often, cut down their TV hours.
2. Buy a bigger kettle to boil water for whole week.
3. Shower before the sun goes down, no need to switch on bathroom light.
4. Iron all the clothes bi-weekly or buy clothes that do not need ironing.
5. During a hot day, if need air-condition, hang around shopping malls.
6. Put more load into the washing machine.
Anymore bright ideas?
good lor… don’t have to pay for a few months liao… LOL!
my house uses majority energy saving bulbs (thanks to previous owner)… my bill is less than 50 bucks every month 🙂
stop thinking “bright” idea, it use some voltage also LOL… I just told my girls last week, chose between TV or PC, so far so good.
so, are you going to buy a boiler like the Kopitiam use wan? LOL…
Seem like TNB vy untung, I also pay in advance for my electricity bill. Emm..if late they charge us late charges, how come no interest pay for advance payment.
no air cond at night lor! as it really consume a lot of electricity!
use ‘arang’ to boil water lor…LOL
hai, live in modern city, how one can survive without eletricity ler! 😥
Wah… lots of bright ideas also you.. Hmm..
I tell my husband he needs to save electricity, he bochap still.. On fan downstairs go upstairs to bath.. then on fan upstairs come down to read newspaper.. Aiyo..
He’s paying the bills so I shouldn’t complain hor?
Spend a little more on solar power panes but save a lot for future. A neighbour down my block installed it few year back and now they pay so little for electricity bill.
good thing Jeriel is trained to sleep only with fan … only got aircond in the hall which hardly on.
Some tips I got from my dad (who retired fr TNB Technician ) :
– Microwave consume not much electricity but oven consumed a lot
– If use Electric Termos (I use to keep hot water hot), boil water using stove, then pour into the termos, Don’t use termos to boil water.
– if want to use aircond, use high temperature at least 24 above to avoid compressor from working too hard. It will take time to cool down the room, so on full speed of fan to cool the room faster when on aircond. Usually I on aircond with fan, once cool down, then I off aircond.
My hubby said you can put something on the roof (for those who stay in landed property) and avoid heat going to the house..
The rest, Michelle’s list is helpful…but going out shopping mall too often in Klang Valley not cheap, petrol increase, parking tickets and don’t forget may spend more money…
Egghead: I also used energy saving bulbs but I need energy saving air-cond.
Maria: Hahaha…maybe ask the Kopitiam to boil water for me. :giggles:
Rachel: Funny I never get late charges. TNB straight send us a pink letter. :sc: Maybe if it is late, don’t pay until the next bill comes. Their billing system got bugs.
Jess: Arang? Later I burned the whole house down or I smoked the whole place.
Zara’s mama: One of my family member is exactly like your husband.
Vien: Good idea, let me more info on solar panels.
Chanel: Wow, thanks for all the tips. Shopping malls here are nearby and very low charges (sometimes none) on parking tickets. Giant & Tesco have free car parks.
wow ur bill so low ah?? If i need to cut below 43, i think my hubby will be on fire liao 😛
mich, why 43? I thot is 50?