I loved to eat Yee Sang. Yee Sang means raw fish and in CNY terms, if you read it backwards (Sang Yee) meaning business. It is a mixture of salad and raw fish with sour plum sauce. Usually Chinese gathered around to toss the salad up high. The higher you tossed, your business will have more profitable and successful, and that is the Chinese belief. You are not allowed to say negative things while tossing. Once my cousins utter “It is so difficult to toss” Everyone looked at him. Opps, meaning the business will be difficult. Oh well, I believe no such myth, I just like the dish.
There are not many restaurants that served good Yee Sang here. Now I can get it from Jusco Penang. Jusco used to sell it at the Sushi counter, next to the Japanese stuff. I believed the imported salmon are in big portion and fresh.
The dish consisted of Yew sang (Raw Fish) – main ingredient, peanut, green kua ying, yellow ginger, red ginger, sliced yam, pok choy, pickled leeks, sweetened lime, sesame seed and gourd wax. There are other versions of it, I have eaten some with apples or with white radish or with Japanese jellyfish. I am starting early this year, not that I own a business. :good:

i love yeeeeeeeeeeesang!
Yummmmmyyyy especially with fresh salmon!
I love yee sang too, especially the crunchy crispy bits. 20 days to CNY!! Yahhooo!!
Wah! So fast had Yee Sang oredi? I LOVE YEE SANG too! I tried to toss the Yee Sang as high as I could last year but I din find business was good. *duh* Maybe I should try standing on the chair this year hor? 😆
i saw the same package in Jusco too, is it nice ah ? i love the crunchy crispy bits too!!!
wah so fast already lou sang 😛
now jusco in penang, u can lou everyday lah hehehe
sasha: Toss higher ok.
julian: Yes, I love fresh salmon too.
papi: Are you looking forward to give away money? 😛
chooi peng: The sauce a bit too sweet.
jazzmint: Yes and no, will be away, so no yee sang until I return.
Yue Sang!!! My goodness! I haven’t had this dish for over 25 years!!! Can’t find it here in Toronto!!! I should attempt to balik KL around CNY time next time if I want to makan this dish!!! Drooooooooooooooooooooooooling!!!
So, you think you can smuggle some in for me? LOL! Just j/king la!
:smile :grin :shcok :eek :cool :mad :lol :pray :clap :shoot i love it
i bought this from Jusco too!! Great product! I have tried the Thai flavor!