
Blog Awards

September 19, 2007 | 1 Comment   

Thank you for all the awards that you bloggers have given to me. I have received 6 NICE AWARDS from Chinnee, Rachel, Tracy, Vien, Sharine and slavemom. One LOVE YOUR BLOG Award from Vien. I am hanging these awards at my sidebar.

This really makes me grin from ear to ear. Blogging is so fun now because I have made so many friends in the virtual world and nothing can take the friendship away. That is the most precious of all. Secondly we are all making extra cash by blogging by advertising products for companies. It is just so cool.

If anyone wants to join the wagon and do not where to start, talk to me. I am not a pro but I believe I can help you to start. By the way, I was so happy when I made the highest totaling US160 for one day.

Sad to say in the coming days, I many not have the time to spend blogging as I have new role in my full time job that may take up a lot of my time.

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