
Power Of Internet

March 10, 2008 | 1 Comment   

I strongly believed that the opposition had a big win in the Malaysia 12th General 2008 election was due to the power of Internet. The news travel fast in Internet and people can read almost anything whether truth or not. It was really up to the people to decipher what is truth and what is fake.

In the previous years, most of the news we get from the general media were usually filtered or modified. Everyone was kept in the dark. However this general election, lots were exposed. Look at YouTube and blogs.

Some of us were kept updated every minute on the results and news about the general election. One of the site, namely MK were hit with lots of traffic that even with many mirror sites didn’t help much.

Let’s hope the change will do us good and help those who didn’t win the seat to improve. Actions definitely speak louder than words.

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