Without A Will

April 20, 2010 | Permalink | Comments Off on Without A Will   

I am learning on how to write a Will and doing one for the family. I have been procrastinating about it until someone asked me to be a Witness. I am also an Executor for someone in my family. Anyway let’s start with the impact without a Will.

Without a will, here is how the assets distributed to surviving parties:

Spouse only – 100% to spouse
Parents only – 100% to parents
Issues only – 100% to Issues. Issues refer to children & grandchildren
Spouse and Parents only – 50% spouse and 50% parents
Spouse and Issues only – 1/3 spouse and 2/3 Issues
Parents and Issues only – 1/3 parents and 2/3 Issues
All Spouse, Parents & Issues – 25% spouse, 25% parents and 50% Issues

However, there is a catch. You must engage a lawyer to apply for Letter of Letter of Administration (LA) from the High Court for the distribution order to the Land Office. In order to get the LA, the court needs 2 guarantors that has equivalent amount of assets left by the deceased. The application of LA takes 9-12 months. Again here, the beneficiaries need to agree what to do with the property.

The problem comes while applying for the LA, the parents passed away. Now the number of beneficiaries will increase because the parents’ portion will be divided to the children, meaning the deceased siblings. It will be a lengthy process moving forward.

Above information is based on my findings, I may be wrong in certain areas as I am not a lawyer. Let me know if you spot any mistake so I can correct it.

iPhone: Ice Tycoon

April 18, 2010 | Permalink | Comments Off on iPhone: Ice Tycoon   

Do you like selling ice-cream? Well now you can do it virtually on iPhone with Ice Tycoon. This is another game that I like because it tests my memory and speed. I have to remember all the ice-cream combinations of the customers’ orders.

Your mission is to get the targeted sales for each level. Each time you sell an ice-cream, you get money. If you make the wrong ice-cream, you need to throw it inside the bin. That will cost you money. You also need to refill the ice-cream or the toppings if they run dry. That will also cost some money, so only refill when you need it.

Believed me if you want to fill young again, do exercise your brain. This is a simple game that allows you to do that.


Calling From My Notebook

April 16, 2010 | Permalink | Comments Off on Calling From My Notebook   

Finally I have set up my VOIP on my notebook. Pretty cool! Now I can call and received phone calls from my notebook. I don’t have to be in the office to pick up my office calls. Everything is redirected to my notebook. That’s the beauty of VOIP, I can be anywhere, and as long as I have a notebook plus WIFI with me…I can pick up your call.

I wonder in the future, can my notebook cook my lunch and dinner. Well at least I can order pizza from it.

Beware Of Scam

April 13, 2010 | Permalink | Comments Off on Beware Of Scam   

Would you sign away RM18K (~USD$5.4K) on your credit card, for an investment plan with no contractual documents? I cannot believe one of my close relative did that. I smell a SCAM right away. We had to talk her out of it. It is funny that she doesn’t realize it like gotten into a spell.

The company showed her a lot of pictures of testimonies and promised her a RM600 monthly return for life every month. They allure her into giving away the money. When someone asked the OOSIS sale person that she had no money at the end of the month to pay the RM18K, he actually advised her to borrow money from Loan Shark Ah Loong.

I did a search using Google on this company and found someone blogging about this company too: Blogger Case

Previously using the Scratch & Win Scam!
I wonder how these people can live with their bad conscious of cheating old people money. Don’t they fear God who will punish them eventually?

Anyway I would suggest to her to make a police report and go to the bank to dispute the credit card transaction right away! Beware of this company scam and spread the word around.

If you do your math calculation, RM18K to produce RM600 per month for life, there would be a 40% yearly return for life. How do they generate that?

On another scam, beware of “get paid to click ads”. Basically they pay u to watch ads and click ads. The scam is asking you to invest your money on your clicks. Example, you click on ads for a period of time, you get $0.01, if you invest USD100.00, and your clicks will be $10. The more you invest the more money you get back. The scam ends when you don’t get your money from your earnings.

If you think hard, how do these companies get money to pay you? Most of the ads are repeated and I don’t believe any companies would put an expensive ad in an unknown & not established companies such as this. Again beware!

iPhone: Farm Frenzy

April 11, 2010 | Permalink | 1 Comment   

This is another cool game, some of you may have seen this in Facebook. Now it is on iPhone. It is a game where you are given a mission on completing some farming task. It is also testing your time management and cash flow too. If you beat the clock, you get a gold or silver medal.

I like the graphics and any kids can have fun with it. There are different animals given to you like the chicken that lays the egg, sheep that produce the wool and cow to produce the milk, of cause. The cat is to help you pick the products in the field and the dog is to prevent the big bear from killing your stuff.

Besides the above, you need to buy equipment to turn your produce to something else. Like egg to make flour and later cake. Milk to make cheese. Wool to make thread and later cloth. Each end product can fetch you lots of money. The ultimate goal is to beat the clock and get more money.

Oooh, I heard now iPhone has Farm Frenzy 2. Need to download this….


iPhone: Finger Piano

April 5, 2010 | Permalink | 1 Comment   

I always wanted to learn to play the piano when I was young. I took classes when I was 13 but the teacher was not good and he failed to teach me. Or maybe I do not have any music talent. My gal has been attending classes and I am learning from her.

Every time I played a new song, I get the satisfaction. Of coz my gal coordination is better than me.

Yesterday while I was surfing iTunes Apple store using my iPhone, I found this finger piano. I download the free version. I like it after playing with it. It allows me to learn play song using on a digital music keyboard. It is cool. It is easy but only thing is it uses finger. They have the PC version too.

The music key will fall and you play the key on the music keyboard, the note on the keyboard will be highlighted too. You can play the entire song with your finger. Pretty cool. The lite version is free and you want more song, you have to pay USD$1.99. A good way to learn how to play music too.

The best is that you get a full piano keyboard on your iphone to play any song you want or created. Download it to create your own music.


Bad Flu Attack

April 2, 2010 | Permalink | 2 Comments   

I am having a terrible flu, first day started a excruciating sore throat and headache. I slept early and next day, the sore throat was gone but my nose were stuff. I had a hard time sleeping because I cannot breathe. Headache was still on. Thank goodness, I got a MC.

Third day, the nose is runny and stuffy but I still have to work to clear my stuff. Good thing, I can work from home.

I still cannot breath with the stuffy nose. Then I remembered I got a bottle of nasal drop. Actually it was my children. I put a drop in each nose and miraculously it was clear. I could breathe again and slept like a log. Woke up, nose stuffy again. Sigh. Thank goodness it is Friday!

Travel With RV

March 28, 2010 | Permalink | Comments Off on Travel With RV   

I always wanted to visit New Zealand. I heard there are many beautiful sight seeing places. I dislike joining tours because of the rush from one place to another. It will be so cool if I can travel on a RV around the country. I could save on hotel bills too.

I heard some RV rentals that cover emergency road service like motorhome towing. I won’t want to be fixing a RV when I am on vacation. It will be cool if I can get a straight replacement on the spot.

I will have to start planning and saving for a long trip to NZ.

2010 Earth Hour

March 26, 2010 | Permalink | Comments Off on 2010 Earth Hour   

2010 Earth Hour has arrived!! Do your bit to make the earth greener.

Date: Sat 27th Mar 2010
Malaysia Time: 8:30-9:30pm

Forgetful Me

March 24, 2010 | Permalink | Comments Off on Forgetful Me   

I missed a meeting yesterday night. With my current job, I get a lot of those late night meetings because that’s when US time zone wakes up.

I double check my digital calendar and I was so sure it was today. You see when I am working the normal hours, I have my notebook or the iPhone to remind me there is a meeting coming up. When I am off work, relaxing on the coach or in the bedroom, no reminder. Yeah I don’t carry my iPhone around the house except when I play games.

When my PC started up this morning, a reminder can up saying “Your meeting is X hours overdue!” Sigh!

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