Efficient Packing
July 17, 2013 | Permalink | Comments Off on Efficient Packing
I remembered the last time I had to move house, it was really a nightmare. Packing things is the hardest.
Then I saw a video on how a Japanese professional packing company does it with their special packing materials. They made it so easy. In an hour, they cleared the whole house of things and transported it into their moving truck!
I cannot believe that they can do it. It will take me days to pack all the things in my house. Let’s hope I don’t have to relocate.
FunTime For Kids
July 17, 2013 | Permalink | Comments Off on FunTime For Kids

I was given a mission to set a day to make the kids happy. I had to build a mini fun fare for children. Due to low budget, I had to use recycle materials. I was pretty pleased that I came up with 7 games for the kids to have fun.
I think the kids had fun with these games. If you are organizing an event for children, you can use these ideas too.
Game 1: Throwing Rings on to the nails
Game 2: Tossing Coins on to square boxes
Game 3: Tic Tac Toe (Tossing Ping Pong balls into the plastic cups)
Game 4: Darts
Game 5: Shooting Balls Into Holes
Game 6: Hitting The Cans With Balls
Game 7: Tossing coins into the cup submerge in water.

Minions Craze – Papoy!
July 17, 2013 | Permalink | Comments Off on Minions Craze – Papoy!

Yes, all those crazy minions are causing troubles. Thanks to McDonald’s! Actually it is those greedy people acquiring all the toy minions so that they can make money. McDonald’s are realizing Happy Meal with free Minion collectables. Those collectables are mainly for children.
However, many greedy people buy lots of Happy Meal to get the toys so that they can sell at a higher price online. Not sure if they ate all the Happy Meals of they throw them away. I just hope no one buy from them.
Pity those children who want minions and could not get any. Parents out there, if you want to get minions, no need to get McDonald’s ones. It is better to get the plushy soft toy where your child can hug it to sleep!
Now I am waiting for McDonald’s to come up with rules so that people will not profit from children toys!
Haze Problem
June 26, 2013 | Permalink | Comments Off on Haze Problem
Yet again, Malaysia and Singapore are affected by haze. Thanks to Indonesia. Year after year, some companies have been doing open burning to clear land. They have no consideration for other people who suffer from asthmatic problem. They only worried about their greed.
Some area has reach pollution index of above 400 which is very hazardous to breath. Masks are being sold out in pharmacy. Many are sick due to pollution. I hope Indonesia will come out with stringent laws on companies who do open burning. Or do they care? Or they just defend themselves.
Anyway, do stay in door and wear filter mask if you want to go out. Drink lots of water and maybe take some supplements to boost your immune system. My family and I are adding more fruits and vegetables to our meal.
Crush The Candy
June 21, 2013 | Permalink | Comments Off on Crush The Candy
I am glad I have reached level 371 in Candy Crush without using paying for any boosters or hacking it. I know some of my friends using hack to speed their journey. Well if you are using hacks, might else well not play it. Anyway today I saw this, just too many bombs!

Daily Dose Of Vitamin C
June 19, 2013 | Permalink | Comments Off on Daily Dose Of Vitamin C
I am glad I have a mulberry tree. Yesterday I got a surprise to see mulberries on the table. It is my daily dose of Vitamin C. Mulberry is the excellent source for Vitamin C. I love to eat them.
Let’s hope my tree grow more mulberries. In order for the tree to produce more fruit, I need to prune it frequently.

Do Away With The E-Gadgets
June 18, 2013 | Permalink | Comments Off on Do Away With The E-Gadgets
Somehow technology has stolen the best part of childhood. I am always sad to see many children glue to their iPad or iPhone or iPod or PSP or any e-gadgets. They would rather chat online than talk to their friends face to face. If you are a parent, please do limit your child’s time on those gadgets.
Here is a video for all parents.
Candy Crush Tips
May 29, 2013 | Permalink | Comments Off on Candy Crush Tips
I know many of you are playing Candy Crush. Here is a tip for you. If you cannot solve the level in your iPad, Android or iPhone, try doing it on your PC using the Facebook AppCenter. Many times I could pass the level using PC.
Somehow it is easier using the PC. Hope this tip helps you!
Cute Baby
May 29, 2013 | Permalink | Comments Off on Cute Baby
She is so adorable and MUMMY still the BEST!
Best Salesman
May 29, 2013 | Permalink | Comments Off on Best Salesman
If I am running a business to sell iPad, I will hire him
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