
Brand New Notebook

September 24, 2007 | 3 Comments   

Finally my new notebook and a 17 inch LCD display came. At my workplace we get a new notebook every 3 years. It is a technology refresh program. The brand is HP nc4400 and there were some design flaws that I spotted. Firstly the USD ports are all over, right left and back. Secondly, the top left mouse button is a bit cacat (not in order). Thirdly, the power button is not very visible. I am still looking for the reset button.

The great thing about the notebook is that it comes with a DVD Writer. The notebook has thumb print security recognition. You can steal my notebook but you cannot access to it without my thumb print. 😆 One more thing, it has 2G RAM, super duper fast!!!

I will be busy moving data, files and software from my old notebook to the new one. How I wish I can just image it over.

