
Pork Leg Vinegar

May 7, 2008 | 4 Comments   

After a tired & stressful day at work, I came home with this delicious treat. Thanks to shooi who was so kind to bring some of her mother’s specialty for me. Pork Leg Vinegar is usually cooked as a confinement food. It has ginger, pork leg & meat, vinegar, dry chilies and I believe sugar. The ginger is good to relieve air from your body.

I had my confinement lady cooked this for me once every week. No matter how big a pot she cooked, it is always finished. I loved to eat it with warm rice. It taste so good and you can drink the sauce too. Although it is vinegar but it is not too sour. It is simply delicious.

If you ever cooked this, please invite me. 😛

